A whole number is the same thing as an integer. 5.4 is a decimal number, so it is not a whole number or an integer.
Yes, -54 is an integer. In mathematics, integers are whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. Since -54 is a whole number and does not have any fractional or decimal parts, it is classified as an integer.
Yes.Yes. The definition of integer is basically 'a whole number.'
Yes - an integer is a whole number - the Latin word "integer" translates into English as "untouched", or, loosely, "whole".
No because integers are whole numbers
Whole numbers are unique, so the only whole number that is 54 is 54 itself.
Yes, -54 is an integer. In mathematics, integers are whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. Since -54 is a whole number and does not have any fractional or decimal parts, it is classified as an integer.
An integer is a whole number.
For any integer, there is a whole number that is bigger, and for any whole number, there is a integer that is bigger.
There is no such number: every whole number is an integer.
No, an integer is a whole number, 53.11 is not a whole number. Thus, 53.11 is not an integer.
Yes.Yes. The definition of integer is basically 'a whole number.'
An integer and a whole number are the same, by definition.
It can be written as a fraction, so it is rational. It is not an integer, whole number or irrational.
No. An integer is the same as a whole number.
An integer is a whole number. As 3.166666 is clearly a decimal and not a whole number, it is also not an integer.
How about zero = 0 which is an integer but not a whole number
An integer is a whole number, not a fraction and three is a whole number