The prime numbers between 700 and 800 are: 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769.
1 and 709
710 and 700 respectively.
791 is greater than 709.
Here is some great places to seek help: Be sure that you pick a good trusted friend or family member to help you make this move. DO NOT PHONE THESE CENTRES FROM HOME OR DELETE ALL MESSAGES OFF YOUR COMPUTER! Secretly pack everything that is important to you because you will probably not be able to go back or the abuse will only get worse and you may never have another chance to make a run for it. However, legal council will help you with a lot of the problems regarding your home, children, and possessions. SHELTERS: CARA HOUSE Gander, NF 709-256-9306 Crisis Line 709-256-7077 CORNER BROOK TANSITION HOUSE Cornerbrook, NF 709-634-8815 CRICIS LINE 709-634-4198 IRIS KIRBY HOUSE - St. John's, NF 709-722-8272 CRISIS LINE 709-753-1492 GRACE SPARKES HOUSE = Marystown, NF 709-279-3560 CRISIS LINE 709-279-3562 NAOMI CENTRE - 4 Patrick St. St. Johns, NF 709-579-8641 CRISIS LINE 709-579-7096 SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTRES: NF & LAB. SEXUAL ASSAULT CRISIS/PREVENTION CENTRE St. Johns, NF 709-738-2700 CRISIS LINE: 709-738-2775 WOMEN'S CENTRES: GATEWAY WOMEN'S CENTRE= Port aux Basques, NF - 709-695-7505 BAY ST. GEORGE = Stephenville, NF 709-643-4444 CORNER BROOK WOMEN'S CENTRE = Corner Brook, NF 709-639-8522 GANDER WOMEN'S CENTRE - Gander, NF 709-256-4395 ST. JOHN'S WOMEN'S CENTRE - 83 Military Rd. St. Johns, NF 709-753-0220 VICTIM'S SERVICES: Victim Services: Provincial Headquarters/Dept. of Justice P.O. Box 8700 315 Duckworth Street St. John's NF A1B 4J6 (709-729-0900) Victim Services: Carbonear (709) 945-3019 Clarenville (709) 466-5808 Corner Brook (709) 637-2614 Gander (709) 256-1028 Gander FAlls-Windsor (709) 292-4544 Port Saunders (709) 861-2147 Stephenville (709) 643-6588 MENTAL HEALTH Mental Mental - Toll-free Crisis Line: 1-888-737-4668 Good luck God Bless Marcy
709 and 937/1000
ANSWER: 141.820% of 709= 20% * 709= 0.20 * 709= 141.8
In the number 709, the digit 7 is in the tens place. Therefore, its value is 7 multiplied by 10, which equals 70. The digit 7 represents 70 in this number, as it is in the tens place.
The prime numbers between 700 and 800 are: 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769.