Yes. A whole number is either written without decimals, or it has zero for all of its decimal digits.
69.6 would round to 70 as a whole number, so it could be.
As it is less than 100 % then it is not a whole number. Written as 0.70 or 0.7
70% is the same as 0.70 .It's less than ' 1 ', so there's nothing you can do to it to make it a whole number.
If you mean 90% of the whole number then the number is 70 because 90% of 70 is 63
It is 70/1 as a fraction and 70 as a whole number. There is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
It rounds up to 70 as a whole number
69.6 to the nearest whole number is 70
43 to the nearest whole number
69.89 to the nearest whole number is 70.
The whole number between the square roots of 60 and 70 is 8. 8² = 64.
69.6 would round to 70 as a whole number, so it could be.
As it is less than 100 % then it is not a whole number. Written as 0.70 or 0.7
The only whole number that goes into "7" evenly is 7.The number "7" also goes into the number "70" evenly (10x7=70).