7/8 is less than 24/25
Either convert the fractions to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators, or convert them to decimals and compare directly. I prefer fractions:
lcm of 8 & 25 is 200.
7/8 = 175/200
24/25 = 192/200
175 < 192 ⇒ 7/8 < 24/25
Using decimals:
7/8 = 0.875
24/25 = 0.96
0.875 < 0.96 ⇒ 7/8 < 24/25
1, as it's 24/24
Less - 2 ft = 24 inches
Greater than, because negatives numbers become bigger when they approach 0.
less than
3 composite numbers, 21, 22, and 24, are greater than 20 but less than 25.
LESS by 24 over 5
Less than.
.12 is less than .24
1 ft = 12 in → 2 ft = 24 in → if A is less than 24 then A inches is less than 2 feet → if A is equal to 24 then A inches is equal to 2 feet → if A is greater than 24 then A inches is greater than 2 feet
1/3 = 8/24 1/6 = 4/24 1/8 = 3/24
less than
less than 18 inches 2 feet = 24 inches so 18 inches is less than 24 inches
less than
4 is greater than -24 > -2
1, as it's 24/24
An inch is less than 2.5 cm so 24 in is less than 60 cm...