No. Remember that when you multiply the top (numerator) and the bottom (denominator) of a fraction by the same number, the value of the fraction will remain the same. So, if we take your fraction, 3/4, and multiply the top and bottom by two (we are really multiplying by 2/2, which equals 1), we get 6/8. Simple examination now tells you that 7/8 is greater than 6/8. This method is called "finding a common denominator", and is very useful.
less than
x/4 - (9 - 3) =x/4 - 6
The absolute value of 3 over 4 is less than one and so there is no representation as a mixed number.
3/4 = 9/12 8/12 is less than 9/12
1/3, 1/4, 1/5
Less than.
3 over 7 is less than 4 over 9
less than
No, it is not.
-2 over 3 is less than 4/3.
1/4 is 162/3% less than 3/10 .
4 fractions that are less than 2 over 3 are 2 over 4, 2 over 100, 2over 100, 2 over 20, and 2 over 5
greater than
yes, it is
3 over 4 is less than 4 over 5. 3 over 4 is equal to .75 and 4 over 5 is equal to .80.80>.75
Yes, 2/3 is equal to 66% and 1/4 is equal to 25%