No prime numbers equal 84. The only number equal to 84 is 84,and it isn't a prime number.The prime factors of 84 are: 1, 2, 2, 3, and 7
The HCF of 21, 84 and 91 is.... 1 ! The number 91 is a prime number.
61 and 23.
To find the prime factors of a number, divide the number by each prime number up to the greatest prime that will go into the number leaving no remainder. This is the process for factorization of 168: 168/2=84 84/2=42 42/2=21 21/3=7 7/7=1 Listing each divisor as a prime factor, the prime factors of 324 iare 2x2x2x3x7.
7 is the greatest prime factor of 84.
Prime :)
Neither number is prime: 117 is divisible by 3 and 84 is divisible by 2.
No prime numbers equal 84. The only number equal to 84 is 84,and it isn't a prime number.The prime factors of 84 are: 1, 2, 2, 3, and 7
84 is a composite number. as it is divisible by 1,2,3.. etc.
Neither number is prime: both are divisible by 2.
84 is not a prime. All numbers ending in four are composite.
84 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 7
If two prime number have a sum of 54 they cannot have a sum of 84, and conversely.
The HCF of 21, 84 and 91 is.... 1 ! The number 91 is a prime number.
It is: 2^2*3*7 = 84