0.91 is greater than 8/10 which is 0.8 as a decimal
Yes, 0.492 is bigger than 0.48. When comparing decimals, you start by looking at the digit in the first decimal place. In this case, both numbers have a 4 in the tenths place. Since the next digit in 0.492 is 9, which is greater than 8 in 0.48, 0.492 is larger than 0.48.
4/9 is bigger than 3/8 or 0.444 is bigger than 0.375
8 tenths = 0.8
I find this easier to see if they are both in decimal. 8 tenths is 8 x 0.1 = 0.8 in decimal form 75 hundredths is 75 x 0.01 = 0.75 in decimal form. This makes it easier to see that 8 tenths is bigger than 75 hundredths
3/10 is smaller than 7/8.
5/8= 25/40 6/10= 24/40 5/8 is 1/40 bigger
No. 5/8 in decimal form = 0.625, which is less than 7/10.
0.7 is 7/10 and 0.08 is 8/100 so 0.7 is bigger than 0.08
No. Two tenths (one fifth) is bigger than one eighth.
3/8 is bigger than 3/10. When something is cut into eight pieces the pieces are bigger than when it is cut into 10 pieces. You can also fine the LCD to compare the fractions. 15/40 (3/8) is bigger than 12/40 (3/10).
Yes, 1.8 is bigger than 1.25. When comparing two numbers, you can look at the digits to the left of the decimal point first. In this case, 1.8 has a higher whole number value than 1.25. Additionally, you can compare the tenths place; 1.8 has 8 tenths while 1.25 only has 2 tenths, further confirming that 1.8 is indeed larger than 1.25.
You find the common denominator, with is over 80, so multiply 3 by 10, and 6 by 8. This gives you 30/80 and 48/80, so six tenths is bigger. An easier way to look at this is, 4 eigths is half, 5 tenths is half, 3 eigths is lower than 4 eigths, but six tenths is bigger then 5 tenths. Hope this helped. :)
To determine which decimal is larger, we can compare the tenths place first. In this case, 1.3 has a larger tenths place value than 0.8. The tenths place in 1.3 is 3, while the tenths place in 0.8 is 8. Therefore, 1.3 is greater than 0.8.
20 tenths
Yes, 6.8 is bigger than 6.5. When comparing two numbers, the one with the higher value is considered "bigger." In this case, 6.8 is greater than 6.5 because the digit 8 is larger than 5 in the tenths place.