94 is a composite number. A Prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1, 2, and 0. 1, 2, and 0 have a different name.
A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself; it has no other factors. A composite number is a number that is divisible by more than 2 numbers. The factors of 94 are 1, 2, 47, and 94. Therefore, 94 is a composite number.
neither prime or composite
It is prime
It would be impossible to list them all, since numbers go on forever, but here are some of them: 2 - Prime 3 - Prime 4 - Composite 5 - Prime 6 - Composite 7 - Prime 8 - Composite 9 - Composite 10 - Composite 11 - Prime 12 - Composite 13 - Prime 14 - Composite 15 - Composite 16 - Composite 17 - Prime 18 - Composite 19 - Prime 20 - Composite 21 - Composite 22 - Composite 23 - Prime 24 - Composite 25 - Composite 26 - Composite 27 - Composite 28 - Composite 29 - Prime 30 - Composite 31 - Prime 32 - Composite 33 - Composite 34 - Composite 35 - Composite 36 - Composite 37 - Prime 38 - Composite 39 - Composite 40 - Composite 41 - Prime 42 - Composite 43 - Prime 44 - Composite 45 - Composite 46 - Composite 47 - Prime 48 - Composite 49 - Composite 50 - Composite
94 is a composite number
94 is a Composite Number.
composite; besides 1 and 94; 2 and 47 can divide into 94
A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself; it has no other factors. A composite number is a number that is divisible by more than 2 numbers. The factors of 94 are 1, 2, 47, and 94. Therefore, 94 is a composite number.
94 is a composite number. Composite numbers are any number that has more than two factors(one and itself). Therefore, since 2 and 47 are factors of 94 that makes it a composite number.
It is a composite number because it has more than two factors
No, the first giveaway is that it is even (divisible by 2).
All even numbers greater than 2 are composite.
All even numbers greater than 2 are composite.
94 is an even number greater than 2, so it is a composite number.
neither prime or composite
It is prime