Sometimes. The number '4' is real and rational. The number 'pi' is real but not rational.
Decimals are real. They can be rational or irrational.
No. Every real number is not a natural number. Real numbers are a collection of rational and irrational numbers.
a real number is a number that can be rational or irrational
It is real, rational, integer and a whole number.It is not an irrational number nor an interger - there is no such thing!
It is rational. An irrational number is a number that you cannot define by a fraction or a decimal. Since you wrote it as a decimal, it is rational. The fact that it is negative does not matter.
Not necessarily. All rational numbers are real, not all real numbers are rational.
Sometimes. The number '4' is real and rational. The number 'pi' is real but not rational.
A real number dosen't have to be a rational number as a real number can be rational or irrational i.e the root of 2 is irrational and real. So is (pi).
Decimals are real. They can be rational or irrational.
Yes. -3 is both rational and real. -3 is an integer. All integers are rational numbers. All rational numbers are real numbers. Thus -3 is a rational number and a real number.
A real number which is not a rational number is an irrational number.
Yes it is, but not every real number is a rational number
Yes, 34 is a real and rational number
The number 1.68 belongs to the subsets of real numbers known as rational numbers and decimal numbers. As a rational number, 1.68 can be expressed as the ratio of two integers (84/50). It is also a decimal number, specifically a terminating decimal, where the digits after the decimal point eventually end.
Every integer is also a rational number and a real number.
Infinitely rarely, a real number is also a rational number. (There are an infinite number of rational numbers, but there are a "much bigger infinity" of real numbers.)