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80% is an A and anything above 85% is an A+, that's a good grade better then what I can do!


Actualy, that's not correct...(From how I was graded, at least...)

Here's the grading chart:

(Excellent achievement) A: 100-93

(Good achievement) B: 92-85

(Satisfactory achievement) C: 84-77

(Minimal achievement) D: 76-70

(Insufficient achievement) F: 69 and below

So, an 85% is a B and 80% is a C.

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Q: Is a 85 percent in school a b or c and is a 80 percent a b or c?
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What is an 82 percent equivalent to for a grade?

In my school, its a B+. 85% or higher is an A.

What grade is 85 percent?

An 85% is a B.

Is an 85 percent on a test a B or a B?

B. There are 10 digits from 80-89. Since 85 is the 6th one for 80, it stands that is not in the bottom 50%. It is also not in the top 40%. Therefore, it could not be considered a B+ and since it is not in the bottom 50%, there is no way it could be a B-. The end result is that is is in the middle. "B" final answer..

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Is 85 percent an a?

On a common ten point scale, 85% is a B.

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In almost every case, an 87 is a B Some schools use a 10-point scale (60-70-80-90-100), which puts an 87 high in the B range. Some schools use a 7.5 point scale (70-77-85-93-100), where an 87 is a low B. ■

What do a b c d and f stand for on a report card from school?

The letter system for grades is an American way of translating numeric grades into something easier for kids to understand. Here's how it translates out: A = 95 to 100 percent = 4.0 B = 85 to 95 percent = 3.5 C =75 to 85 percent = 3.0 D = 70 to 75 percent = 2.5 F = below 70 percent

Whatletter grade equals to 85?

Depends on the school. B or B- for most