If the denominator of the fraction, when written in its simplest form, has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 then it will be a repeating decimal fraction otherwise it will terminate.
No, 1.33333 is not a terminating decimal. A terminating decimal is a decimal number that ends, or terminates, such as 0.75. In the case of 1.33333, the digit 3 repeats indefinitely, indicating that it is a repeating decimal rather than a terminating one.
A repeating decimal is a decimal number in which a digit or a sequence of digits repeats infinitely. Whether a repeating decimal is greater than a non-repeating decimal depends on the specific values of the decimals in question. In some cases, a repeating decimal can be greater than a non-repeating decimal, while in other cases, it can be less than. Comparing the magnitudes of repeating and non-repeating decimals requires careful analysis of their patterns and values.
It is 8.999... (repeating, except for 1 digit somewhere in the repeating string which is not a 9).
It depends on what the question is. For example, yes, it is a rational number. Or no, it is not greater than 0.85
Not necessarily. 0.66666 repeating is greater than 0.4
It is repeating. Any fraction in simplest terms which has ANY prime factor other than 2 or 5 in its denominator will be a repeating fraction.
If the denominator of the fraction has any prime factor other than 2 or 5, then it has a decimal representation with a repeating sequence of digits. If the denominator is a product of any number of 2s or 5s then it can be represented as a terminating decimal.
If the denominator of the fraction, when written in its simplest form, has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 then it will be a repeating decimal fraction otherwise it will terminate.
If the denominator of the fraction, when written in its simplest form, has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 then it will be a repeating decimal fraction otherwise it will terminate.
No, 1.33333 is not a terminating decimal. A terminating decimal is a decimal number that ends, or terminates, such as 0.75. In the case of 1.33333, the digit 3 repeats indefinitely, indicating that it is a repeating decimal rather than a terminating one.
It depends. Suppose the fraction can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. When the fraction is in its simplest form, if the denominator has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 then the decimal is repeating. If the only prime factors are 2 and 5 then it is terminating. However, given a decimal representation, it is generally not possible to tell whether it will terminate after a while, or settle into a repeating pattern or if the pattern that looks as if it is repeating changes.
A decimal number is like a mixed fraction: it has an integer part and a fractional part. If the fractional part is a repeating fraction then the whole number is represented by a repeating decimal.
Well honey, let me break it down for you. The fraction 7/6 is an improper fraction, meaning the numerator is greater than the denominator. When you divide 7 by 6, you get 1 with a remainder of 1. So, it's not a terminating decimal, nor is it a repeating decimal. It's just a sassy little fraction that doesn't conform to your decimal rules.
A repeating decimal is a decimal number in which a digit or a sequence of digits repeats infinitely. Whether a repeating decimal is greater than a non-repeating decimal depends on the specific values of the decimals in question. In some cases, a repeating decimal can be greater than a non-repeating decimal, while in other cases, it can be less than. Comparing the magnitudes of repeating and non-repeating decimals requires careful analysis of their patterns and values.
Any rational number, whose denominator has a prime factor other than 2 or 5 will have a decimal representation which is repeating. The size of the number, in relation to 1, is irrelevant.
It is 8.999... (repeating, except for 1 digit somewhere in the repeating string which is not a 9).