13 is a cardinal number, not an ordinal number.
It is ordinal.
The ordinal number for 26 is 26th in digits. Spelled out, it's twenty-sixth.
8th, spelling: eighth
"sixteenth" is an ordinal number. There is no ordinal number for an ordinal number!
You don't buy a social security number. You go to your local social security office and apply to receive your own personal social security number.Buying a social security number is against the law.
The ordinal word is sixtieth. There is no ordinal number.
Social security number.
Social security number
Social security number
Social security number
You can't. You can only get a valid Social Security number through the Social Security Administration; anything else is fraudulent.
You do not. Use of the Social Security number is the exclusive venue of the Social Security Administration as established by the Social Security Act.
No, your social security number does not change when you get married.
Social security number
Social security number