No because 1/2 is greater than 1/3.
If you convert these fractions to decimal it may be easier to see why:
1/2 = 1 divided by 2 = 0.5
1/3 = 1 divided by 3 = 0.3333...
Of these two numbers 0.5 is greater that 0.333.
Hope that helps.
One third is 0.33 which is greater than 0.13.
7 greater than half a number
No. A half would be .5, which is larger than .28.
The one where the numerator is more than half of the denominator.
less, if it is a fraction of a half, it cannt be a whole
i don't think it ever is
Yes, half a dollar is greater than a third of a dollar...
No, three sixths is another way of saying one half. One half is more than one third.
Yes, because two fourths = a half.
- Yes . ⅓-.33 / ½-.5 / ⅔ .66 [:
One third is 0.33 which is greater than 0.13.
Yes, three tenths is greater than one third.
One third is greater than two fifths.
3/4 is greater than a half.