No, all prime numbers are deficient.
91 cannot be in the prime factorization of any number because it is not a prime number itself.
A prime number is any number that only has one and itself as factors. Therefore, any number that has more than two factors is not prime. Check the the factors of a number to tell if it is prime or not.
Yes. The number two. After that, any other even number would be divisible by two and not a prime number.
No, all prime numbers are deficient.
No, all prime numbers are deficient.
All prime numbers are going to be deficient, because remember that a prime number's only factors are one and itself. To find if its deficient or abundant, you'd add up all of its factors, excluding itself. If its only other factor beside itself is one, that's obviously less than the number, and therefore it will be deficient.
To find out if a number is abundant, perfect or deficient, you first need to split it into its prime factors: 34 = 2x17 The next step would be to find any combinations, but as we have only 2 prime factors, those are the two we'll work with. You add these together, with 1, and get 20. When this sums to less than the original number it's a deficient number. 20 is less than 34, and so 34 is a deficient number.
No. All prime numbers are deficient.
Yes. All prime numbers are deficient.
Yes, like all prime numbers.
All odd numbers with one or two distinct prime factors are deficient. Since 3 and 7 are factors of 63, it must be deficient.
A deficient number is one for which the sum of its factors, with the exception of itself, is less than the number itself. Or alternatively, any number for which the sum of its factors including itself is two times the number in question. As 23 is a prime number, its only factor other than itself is 1. Another example of a deficient number close to 23 is 26 - its factors, other than itself, are 1, 2, and 13, which, added together, equals 16. The opposite of a deficient number is an abundant number.
it s a low amount of numbers to also consider a prime number
no. its a type of number. as in, a number can be deficient.