another way to write 0.943 in decimal = 0.9430
A fraction or a percent.
It is 45 mm, exactly as in the question. If you want the quantity expressed as a decimal fraction of another quantity then you need to specify the latter.A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point.
To write 130 as a decimal, you simply write it as 130.0 or 130.00. This indicates that there are no additional decimal places beyond the whole number 130. Another way to represent 130 as a decimal is to write it as 130.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal values present.
You multiply by 60 to have it in minutes. If you have another decimal part, you multiply it by 60 to have it in seconds. Example: If you have 10.33°, then it is the same as 10°19.8', who is the same by the way as 10°19'48''.
another way to write 0.943 in decimal = 0.9430
you've got is another way to say you have.
0.7 as a decimal in hundredths = 0.70
A fraction or a percent.
et cetera is another way to say and so on
as the decimal, .2
Another way to say 'events' is 'functions'
Another way to say horizontal is flat, even, or level.
Verbose is another way to say big words.
Another way to say poop is "feces" or "stool."
Another way to say DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.
six decimal fifty four.