No, 97 is a prime number.
No, 97 is prime.
97 is the only prime number in the nineties.
The only prime number in the 90s is 97. So out of ten numbers one is a prime number and the remaining nine numbers are composite numbers. So 90s comprises of both prime numbers and composite numbers.
Some of them are composite, one is a prime.
is every number in the nineties is a composite answer
No, 97 is prime.
they are both prime and composite numbers
No, 97 is a prime number.
No, 97 is prime.
No, 97 is prime.
97 is the only prime number in the nineties.
The only prime number in the 90s is 97. So out of ten numbers one is a prime number and the remaining nine numbers are composite numbers. So 90s comprises of both prime numbers and composite numbers.
There is one prime number and it is 97.
All of them except 97 which is a prime number
Ninety-seven is a prime; the remainder of the nineties are composites.