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no... because there is no such ting as infinity being a number ______________________________________________________________ Contributer 2: That's a right answer from contributer 1. But if you are really paranoid and desperately want to find out what infinity is, prepare to have your mind blown. This is not real #'s we are talking about. x/0 would equal infinity and -x/o equals negative infinity. We are assuming 0 is the threshold. This is not incorrect, simply very advanced.

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Q: Is infinity an imaginary number
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Is infinity defined?

No, infinity is not defined. It's a only imaginary number . Let suppose , 1000 os infinity we don't know. In future we know 1000 then 1001 will become infinity. I think you got your answer.

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Whats real numbers?

A real number is any number between minus and plus infinity, or it is not an imaginary number.

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Can you divide infinity by an imaginary number?

Yes, but the answer will be in infinities within the complex domain. Unless you know what you are doing there, stay away ;)

Why can't you perform any operation on infinity?

Because infinity is unreachable. It is imaginary. No one get ever get to infinity in any real ideal aspect. There are operations in calculus that you have to find the limit. This is imaginary and goes to infinity when in actuallity you only need to go to the 109 or 1010 to find you answer.

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Infinity is not a number and so there is no whole number after infinity.

What is the meaning of Real in math?

Real numbers are numbers that exist from negative infinity to positive infinity and everything in between. real numbers consist of every number you are used to. Imaginary numbers are numbers that aren't used in conventional math (such as i)

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What number comes before infinite?

Infinity is an imaginary number so if you meant the previous whole number to infinity it would be expressed as infinity minus one. If you meant the highest number possible before reaching infinity is would be: infinity - 1/infinity

Is infinity a rational number?

Infinity is not a number in the ordinary sense of the word.

Can a number be imaginary but not pure imaginary?

Yes. The number 1 + i is imaginary but not pure imaginary, while 5i is pure imaginary.