A rational number is a number that can be expressed as one integer divided by another. Decimals can only be expressed in such a way if they are repeating. For example 0.4646464646... is 46/99 and 0.333333.... is 1/3. Because pi is a non repeating decimal, it cannot be expressed in this way. Thus it is an irrational number.
(pi) itself is an irrational number. The only multiples of it that can be rational are (pi) x (a rational number/pi) .
Pi is irrational.
No. pi/2 is a fraction but, since pi is irrational, so it pi/2.
Consider pi and 4 - pi. 4 - pi + pi = 4, which is clearly rational. However, both pi and 4 - pi are irrational, as you can verify. plz to be lerning numburs Then consider pi + pi = 2pi, which is clearly irrational. The sum of two irrational numbers, therefore, may or may not be rational.
No, it is not.
e^pi ~ 23.14069.............., not rational
3.14 is a rational number pi is not. pi is not 3.14
Pi is not rational it is irrational because it does not stop or repeat
(pi) itself is an irrational number. The only multiples of it that can be rational are (pi) x (a rational number/pi) .
No, it is not.
Pi is irrational.
No. pi/2 is a fraction but, since pi is irrational, so it pi/2.
No 10*pi is not a rational number because it can't be expressed as a fraction
No 22*pi is not a rational number
Yes. For example, if you take any truncated equivalent of pi then it will be rational.
It the radius is r then the area is pi*r*r - which is pi times a rational number. pi is an irrational number, so the multiple of pi and a rational number is irrational.
Any multiple of or addition to or subtraction from PI is an irrational number. PI divided by PI is 1, a rational number. So is PI times 0 = 0