Divide the fraction by 100, and you will get the percentage of a fraction.
As a fraction, it is 9/100000000, and as a percentage, it is 0.000009%
It is expressed as a percentage (fraction of 100%).
3 over 5 as a fraction. 60% as a percentage.
0.857 is 857/1000 as a fraction, and 85.7% as a percentage. fail, needs to be simplified when as a fraction.
2 and 5 are both integers: their probability as a fraction is 0.
Probability is the percentage of the chance, a certain event will happen.
Not always because probability has a range from 1 to 0
There is no event defined for which a probability can be calculated!
Divide the fraction by 100, and you will get the percentage of a fraction.
Ok probabilty is easy once you get to know how to do it. Ok so have you ever picked a colored marble ou of a bag? well that's probabilty you will have a guess of what color you will pull out. That is how you do probabilty
Probabilty is the fraction of something happening or occurring or not happeneing or occurring.
Given a fraction, a percentage is the numerator of an equivalent fraction in which the denominator is 100.
the percentage for the fraction 1/2 is 50%.
11 percentage = 11/100 in fraction