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Yes, of course. In fact the product of any two numbers is composite unless one of them is 1.

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Q: Is the product of two composite numbers also a composite number?
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The product of two primes?

Product of two prime numbers is a composite number. e.g. 2 x 3 = 6, 3 x 17 = 51 etc. But, why the result is a composite number? Definition of composite number makes it much clear: A number which can be expressed as the product of prime numbers is called a composite number. Also, it has more than two factors. So, product of two primes is a composite number.

What makes prime numbers and composite numbers related?

Prime numbers are related with composite numbers as they are both natural numbers and real numbers and also every composite number is a product of prime numbers due to which they are related with each other.For example 24=[2] [2] [3] [2].Here 24 is a composite number,real number and natural number and 2,2,3,2 are prime numbers and also they are real and natural numbers

Is the addition of two composite numbers also a composite number?

Not necessarily. For example 15 and 16 are composite numbers. They add to 31, which is a prime number. Similarly, the composite numbers 20 and 21 add up to 41, which is a prime number.

What is the smallest 1-digit composite number?

Referring to only positive integers, the smallest composite number is 4 (2 x 2). A composite number is any number that is the product of two or more prime numbers.*Referring to all integers, it would be the negative number -9, (3 x -3), which is the also the arithmetically lowest one-digit number. However, under normal definitions, negative numbers are not considered prime or composite numbers.

Why 1 and 0 are not prime number nor composite number?

Actually, 1 is composite. As for 0: "Zero has an infinite number of divisors (any nonzero whole number divides zero). It cannot be written as a product of two factors, neither of which is itself, so zero is also not composite. It falls in a class of numbers called zero-divisors. These are numbers such that, when multiplied by some nonzero number, the product is zero. " -Dr. Rob, the math forum

Is 4 a composite number or prime number?

It's neither of them because -4 is not a natural number and prime or composite numbers are a subset of natural numbers i.e. only natural numbers can be classified as prime or composite numbers.

What is an odd number that is also composite?

There are infinitely many odd numbers that are prime. Take any set of odd numbers greater than 1. Their product will be odd and, by definition, it will be composite. For example, 3*5*13 = 195.

Why the product of two prime numbers is not prime?

Prime numbers only have two factors, one and themselves. If you multiply two prime numbers together, the new number will also have the two prime numbers as factors, making it composite. Try it out. 5 and 7 are prime. 35 is composite.

Is the product of two prime numbers is always composite?

Yes, it is always. Assume temporarily that the product of two prime numbers is not always composite. This implies that that at least one product of prime numbers is also prime. Now, say two different prime numbers p and q, when multiplied, equal r. If r is a prime number, then r's only positive factors are 1 and r. But 1 is not a prime number. This contradicts that both p and q are prime (because either p or q MUST be 1). Therefore, the product of two prime numbers is always composite.

What 26 and30?

They are two composite numbers and they add up to 56 which is also a composite number

Are all square numbers also composite numbers explain?

Every square number (except 1) is composite. Prime numbers only have two factors, one and the numbers themselves. Since square numbers also have at least the square roots as factors, they have to be composite.

What is the composite numbers that are also factors of 65?

The only composite number that is a factor of 65 is 65 itself.