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36 has 9 factors.

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Q: Is there a number with exactly 9 factors?
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When you divide a number exactly by another number the which number become factors of that number?

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The number four has three factors What is the next number with exactly three factors?

The number 9: factors are 9, 3, and 1.

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9 The three factors are 1, 3, and 9. 9 The three factors are 1, 3, and 9.

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Any number of the form a*b^4 where a and b are different prime numbers, or c^9 where c is a prime, will have exactly 10 factors.

What is a whole number greater than 1 that is exactly two factors?

Any composite number. Examples: 4 and 9 . . . (three factors) 6, 8, and 10 . . . (four factors) 12 . . . (six factors) 60 . . . (twelve factors)

What number is less than 40 and has exactly three factors?

4, 9, 25

What is the least natural number that has exactly 4 distinct odd factors?

3*5*7*9 = 945 ...check if any number less than that has exactly four distinct factors.

A number that has exactly two factors?

A prime number has exactly two factors.

What number below 40 has exactly three factors?

Numbers with three factors are squares of primes: 4, 9, 25

Do all square numbers have exactly 3 factors?

No. 81=9*9=3*27=1*81 81 has 5 factors and is a square number. 36=6*6=3*12=1*36=2*18=4*9 36 has 9 factors and is a square number. This doesn't mean that no square numbers have exactly 3 factors though, because: 9=3*3=1*9 9 has 3 factors and is a square number. 4=2*2=1*4 4 has 3 factors and is a square number. All square numbers have an odd number of factors though (because they have a whole number which multiplies by itself to get the number). Factors are whole numbers only, and not decimals. Hope this helps :)