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Q: Is three fourths less than seven eighths?
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Is three-eighths LARGER than three fourths?

no three fourths is more close to a whole. and three eighths is less to a whole than three the answer is NO, three eights is not larger than three fourths.

What is the fraction between 0 and 1 that is more than three fourths and less than seven eighths?

seven tenths is one but there is more than that

Is three fourths less than three eighths?

No It's Actually More.

Is 3 fourths equal to 8 eighths?

No. 3 fourths, normally called three quarters, is less that 8 eighths, which is equal to 1.

Is three fourths greater or less than seven eights?

seven eights is more than three fourths

Is three fours less than seven eights?

seven eighths is greater

Is seven eighths more than one half and less than three quarters?

No. Seven eighths is more than one half AND three quarters.

Is seven twelfths greater or less than three fourths?

less than

Is seven twenty fourths greater or less than five sixteenths?

seven twenty fourths is LESS THAN five sixteenths.

Is seven and a half greater or less than twelve and seven ninths minus 5 and three eighths?

7 1/2 is greater

Is one fourth greater than five eighths?

One fourth is considerably less than five eighths. To convert fourths into eighths, you can multiply the fraction 1/4 by 2/2 and get 2/8. It should be apparent that two eighths is a lot less than five eighths. Less than half, in fact.

Is seven twelfes bigger than three fourths?

No because 7/12 is less than 3/4