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300 x 0.50 = 150

150 - 125 = 25

Her profits are therefore 25

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Q: Kirsten sells 300 glasses of lemonade at 0.50 each Her total costs are 125 Her profits are?
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Accounting profits are typically?

greater then economic profits,as accounting profits do not include implicit costs

Profits will be maximized when marginal revenue?

Profits will be maximized when marginal revenue is equal to marginal costs. This will only happen in cases where there are fixed costs.

How much money will you make by selling lemonade?

Well it depends on how much each cup of lemonade costs.

Profits is calculated by subtracting costs from what?

Profit is calculated by subtracting costs from revenue.

What are the lemons for on Iamfam?

the lemons are used to make lemonade which means if you wish to use them you must buy a lemonade stand which costs 500

What are factors that affect a businesses profit?

Business profits are impacted by several factors. One important one is the taxes it must pay. Another is operating costs. The impact of its competitors also affects profits. Profits are also impacted by salary costs.

A producers profits are maximized when marginal costs are?

equal to marginal revenue

A producers profits are maximized when marginal costs are .?

equal to marginal revenue

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Difference between accounting profit and economist's profit?

The accounting profit is the difference between total revenue and total cost excluding the economic cost (opportunity cost) of owner-supplied resources such as time and capital. At the other hand, In the economic cost, we include the opportunity cost in our calculations. · When total revenue exceeds both explicit and implicit costs, the firm earns economic profit. · Economic profit is smaller than accounting profit Another answer culed be: Economic Profit is slightly different than accounting profit, which merely the firm's total revenues minus its total costs. Economic profit is defined as total revenues minus total operating costs minus opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is defined as the cost of the profits you forgo by not doing another activity. For example the opportunity costs of opening a lemonade stand is equal to the difference between the accounting profits of the lemonade stand minus the accounting profits of a more profitable hot dog stand.

Why would an accountant say a firm is making a profit and an economist say it is losing money?

Economists always include both implicit and explicit costs in the calculation of their profits while accountants only cater for explicit costs when calculating profits.So due to the inclusion of opportunity costs, which can be termed implicit costs, economists' profits will always be lower than accountants' profits.Hence an accountant may say they are making profits while it is different from an economist's view.