Which number is a factor of 10 , but not a multiple of 5
5,631,683,557,500,000 is a multiple of 3 because its digits add up to a multiple of 3. It's a multiple of 5 because it ends in a zero. If it's a multiple of 3 and 5, it's a multiple of 15, so 15 is a factor of it.
The Greatest Common Factor of 15, 45: 15The Least Common Multiple of 15, 45: 45
1 and 5
Which number is a factor of 10 , but not a multiple of 5
15 is a factor of 150, 150 is a multiple of 15.
To determine if 15 is a multiple of 49, determine what the multiples of 15 are. If one of them is 49 then 49 is a multiple of 15. For example, 15, 30. 45, 60. Since 49 is not a multiple of 15, 15 is not a factor of 49.
No, 30 is a multiple of 15.
5,631,683,557,500,000 is a multiple of 3 because its digits add up to a multiple of 3. It's a multiple of 5 because it ends in a zero. If it's a multiple of 3 and 5, it's a multiple of 15, so 15 is a factor of it.
15 is a multiple of 5. 15 is not a factor of 25.
The Greatest Common Factor of 15, 45: 15The Least Common Multiple of 15, 45: 45
Any multiple of 105.
No integer is both of those.