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138 is 18 more than 120. 18/120 is 15% of 120.

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Q: Myra's stamp collection consisted of 120 stamps in October In March her collection grew to 138 stamps Find the percent increase between October and March?
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Myras stamp collection consisted of 120 stamps in October In March her collection grew to 138 stamps Find the percent increase between October and March?

15% increase.

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What is the difference between gladiator games and fights?

The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.

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