50th or Fiftieth
Ordinal numbers are just numbers that identify the order of things: 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth), etc.
13 is a cardinal number, not an ordinal number.
It is ordinal.
The ordinal number for 26 is 26th in digits. Spelled out, it's twenty-sixth.
8th, spelling: eighth
'49th' is the ordinal number for 49.
If you mean 49th, then 50th
"sixteenth" is an ordinal number. There is no ordinal number for an ordinal number!
The ordinal word is sixtieth. There is no ordinal number.
What is the ordinal number for 26
The ordinal number of 43 is 43rd and the ordinal word is forty-third.
The ordinal number of 22 is 22nd and the ordinal word is twenty-second.
38 is an ordinal number
The ordinal number for 7 is 7th
fifth is an ordinal number!!!!