The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 504 132 is 12
The GCF is 27.
13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117, 130, 143, 156, 169, 182, 195, 208, 221, 234, 247, 260, 273, 286, 299, 312, 325, 338, 351, . . .
The prime factors of 351 are 3, 3, 3, and 13. 3 x 3 x 3 x 13 = 351
The Greatest Common Divisor/Denominator is 39
The GCF is 39 The LCM is 2457.
GCD = 39 LCM = 1,755
39, 78, 117, 156, 195, 234, 273, 312, 351, 390
The first 10 multiples are: 39, 78, 117, 156, 195, 234, 273, 312, 351, 390 . . .
GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25
Euclid's algorithm is a popular algorithm to compute the GCD of two numbers. Algorithm: Gcd(a,b) = Gcd(b, a mod b), where a>=b and Gcd(a,0) = a Say we want to find the GCD of 72 and 105. 105 mod 72 = 33, so GCD(72,105) = GCD(33,72) 72 mod 33 = 6, so GCD(33,72) = GCD(6,33) 33 mod 6 = 3 so GCD(6,33) = GCD(3,6) 6 mod 3 = 0 so GCD(3,6) = GCD(0,3) = 3. So the GCD of 72 and 105 is 3.
GCD: 4
GCD: 2
GCD: 1
GCD: 75
GCD: 648