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Rational numbers

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Q: The number -2 0 and 0.4 can all be classified as what type of numbers?
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How are real numbers classified?

All numbers

Is 8 a real number?

Yes, 8 is a real number. All positive and negative numbers and zero are classified as real numbers.

What type of number has a n odd number of factors?

all perfect square numbers

Any counting number grater then 1 witch is not prime is what kind number?

All positive whole numbers over 1 can be classified either as prime or composite numbers. Those which are not prime are composite numbers, that is, numbers which are composed of several different factors.

What are all of the twin prime numbers?

There are an infinite number of pairs of prime two apart, classified as "twin primes". For lists, see the link.

Is 63 odd or even Is 63 odd or even?

Definitely ODD Remember All EVEN Numbers end in 0,2,4,6,8, All ODD numbers end in 1,3,5,7,9.

What are special numbers?

Even though there are different special numbers, there is only one special number that falls under all the categories. The number one is special because it cannot be a prime or a composite number as one only has one factor: itself. So it is classified as a special number. There are, however, other special numbers in separate categories.

Is a real number a whole number?

No, not all. All numbers are Real Numbers. * * * * * All numbers are not real numbers: there are complex numbers and others. Also, all real number are not whole numbers. sqrt(2) or pi, for example are real numbers but not whole numbers.

Which format does not belong to the type of number?

You can use all Excel formats with numbers. If you use the text format, then the numbers are treated as text characters.

Can the engine number tell you what model it came from?

yes. there is a program called prosis that you type the numbers (or what you think the numbers are) into and it spits out all available engines with these numbers and what it goes in.

Can a person type all the numbers to pi?

No; pi is an endless number. You can type as many numbers you want of it, or calculate things for as many digits as you can handle/your calculator will let you type, but pi itself goes on forever.

Why are perfect numbers perfect?

A perfect number is only classified as a perfect number because all of its proper divisors add up to itself. For example, the proper divisors of six are one, two and three. Those numbers added together equal six. Therefore, six is a perfect number.