Twelve and eight hundredths.
Oh, dude, writing numbers is like playing with Legos. So, to write twelve and eight hundredths, you just put the number 12, then add a decimal point, and finally, plop in the 0.08. It's like assembling a number sandwich - easy peasy!
eight and eight hundredths = 8.08 in decimaleight and eight hundredths as a decimal = 8.08
Fifty-eight hundredths.
0.08Eight-hundredths is written as 0.08
Twelve and eight hundredths.
Twelve and fifty-eight hundredths.
12 point thirty eight or 12 and 3 tenths and 8 hundredths
Twelve and forty-eight hundredths.
12.48 = twelve and forty-eight hundredths.
Twelve and sixty-eight hundredths.
twelve thousand, three hundred and eight, and twenty-one hundredths
Oh, dude, writing numbers is like playing with Legos. So, to write twelve and eight hundredths, you just put the number 12, then add a decimal point, and finally, plop in the 0.08. It's like assembling a number sandwich - easy peasy!
612.48 = six hundred twelve and forty-eight hundredths.
Ssixty-eight thousand, seven hundred sixty-one and twelve hundredths.
eight and eight hundredths = 8.08 in decimaleight and eight hundredths as a decimal = 8.08
How do I write twelve and sixty eight thousandths In number form