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Q: Two numbers are in ratio 74 their sum is 220 . find the bigger number?
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Describe two methods of comparing whole numbers?

1.Find the ratio of the two numbers 2. Subtract the smaller number from the bigger number

How you find the ratios?

The ratio of two numbers is simply the smallest way of expressing them eg. 1000 to 2000 is 1 to 2. If you divide the bigger number by the smaller number you would get a ratio of 1 to something.

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A ratio is a property of two or more numbers. It is not possible to find the ratio of a single number.

How do you find the ratio of two areas?

In order to find the ratio of two areas, you times it by the number of a number to get the number of the numbers numbers number, and that number divide by the first number which is 6 and then do the square root of the numbers number to get that number, which you will times by 2.

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There's no such thing as the ratio of only one number. A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. The ratio of two numbers is their 'quotient' ... the number you get when you divide one number by the other one.

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To find a ratio, you need to compare two numbers. Since you have only given one number, it is impossible to find a ratio.

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The golden ratio is a number that exists in anatomy, art, and the sciences. The estimated number is 1.61803399. To find the ratio, you find: (1 + squaroot(5))/2

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to find the ratio divide the diameter by half.

Is it true that numbers never end?

There are an infinite number of numbers. So there is no such thing as "the biggest number in the world". For every (finite) number you can find one bigger than it.

How to find ONE rational number between 3 and 4?

Easy...... you take the bigger number (4)and subtract your smaller number (3)from it, leaving you with a ratio of 1.

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Find a common factor of the number in the ratio. If the common factor is 1, then the ratio cannot be reduced. Otherwise, divide both numbers of the ratio by the common factor. It will have been reduced.

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18 and 15