It is a representation where the distance from a reference point - the origin - represents the value of the number.
7200 meters is 7.2 kilometers.1 mile is about 1.6 kilometers, so 10 miles is about 16 kilometers.Therefore, the shortest distance is 6 km, and the longest is 10 miles.6 km, 7000 m, 10 miles.
To convert kilometers (km) to a percentage, you need to have a reference point or total distance. For example, if you have a total distance of 100 km and want to convert 25 km to a percentage, you would divide 25 by 100 and then multiply by 100 to get 25%. Essentially, you are finding what portion of the total distance the given kilometers represent and expressing that as a percentage.
The distance between these numbers is 48.
The distance from a number on a numberline to the origin, is called the absolute value.
4 km
300 Kilometers
Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, if each unit on the map is one kilometer, then the distance between the mess hall and cabin 2 is like, I don't know, 3 kilometers? Just count the units, man. It's not rocket science.
Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the physical length between two points in space. It is typically measured in units such as meters or kilometers.
if a map show the straight line distance between two cities as 3 and one half centimeters and the map scale show that 1 centimeter equals 100 kilometers what would the actual distance be ?
KPH stands for kilometers per hour, which is a unit of measuring speed or velocity in the metric system. It represents the distance traveled in kilometers in one hour.
There's usually a "scale" that shows you the length on the map that represents a mile, or 10 miles or 20 miles, or kilometers.
There's usually a "scale" that shows you the length on the map that represents a mile, or 10 miles or 20 miles, or kilometers.
It's 1 centimeter long, and it represents 2 kilometers scale distance.
The distance from Hawaii to Japan in kilometers is 6278.0509440km
The distance from Dallas to Houston is 356 Kilometers.