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Q: What is gods phone number and what are some phone numbers that i should never call?
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What happens when text is entered into a number field?

A number field will not accept text. If it does accept text, then it cannot be a number field. Text fields can accept digits, but number fields cannot accept other text. They will only accept digits and other numeric components, like a decimal point for example. Sometimes you will define a field for numbers, such as phone number or code numbers to be text fields. In fact, that is what you should do for that type of data. You never do calculations with phone numbers, like adding them or getting averages, so they can be stored in text fields, as there is no need for them to be stored in number fields. Also, a zero at the start of a phone number, would disappear if entered into a number field, and it would also not allow things like spaces or brackets.

What is the largest number you can make from the digits in your phone number?

get the numbers and order them from biggest to smallest.

Is the devils phone number real Example 666?

No, the devil's phone number is not real. Many associate the numbers 666 with the devil.

Do leprechauns have a real phone number?

Leprechauns are mythical creatures from Irish folklore and do not have real phone numbers. They are often depicted as mischievous beings who guard pots of gold at the end of rainbows. While some people may claim to have a leprechaun's phone number as part of a prank or joke, it is not based in reality.

Who proved that there are an infinite amount of phone numbers?

It was presumably proven when it was discovered that there were infinitely many counting numbers. However, whoever it was, did not consider the mathematical possibility with practicality. The universe has a finite life. Within that our solar system is finite. People, in their turn, have finite lives. In a finite life you can only "dial" a finite number of digits. therefore, you can only call a number if it has a finite number of digits. For any finite number of digits, there are only a finite amount of phone numbers. So, having infinitely many telephone numbers is no use if you need to wait an infinite amount of time (longer than you'll live) for the first person to call you!

Related questions

Which data type is better to use for storing phone number in the following format 977-1-1234567?

Phone numbers should always be stored in a text format and never as in a number field. There are several of reasons for this. You never do calculations with phone numbers; you may have a zero at the start of a phone number, which would disappear if left in a number format and you may, as in this case, have other characters in a phone number that are not digits, which would not be accepted in a number format.

What is your phone number?

It is the number that people dial when they want to call you. Phone numbers generally are personal and should NEVER be given out online, especially on sites like this where millions of people can see it. Posting your own or someone else's phone number is irresponsible and can be dangerous. It is also against's Terms of Use. Phone numbers are not allowed on the site unless they are OFFICIAL FAN phone numbers for celebrities. Quite frankly, not many celebrities have OFFICIAL FAN phone numbers.

What is colby odonis cell number?

You will never get his number, celebs keep her phone numbers private.

What is Clint eastwoods phone number?

Private numbers are never revealed at

How long should a house phone number be?

11 numbers

What is Steven Lim's number?

Phone numbers should not be given

What is Nina dobrev number?

Things like this should never be put online. WikiAnswers does not give out personal information such as home and cell phone numbers.

What is Rhiana's address and phone number?

WikiAnswers never give away private addresses, phone numbers etc.

What is Tom Felton phone number is it 417 or 1417?

Tom Felton has not released his phone number publicly. He also should not be expected to, as phone numbers are private, and random citizens should not be entitled to having a celebrities' phone number.

What is Jeremy wades phone number?

Sorry but 'celebrity' phone numbers are never made public ! They have the right to their privacy - just as you do.

What is kimberly loaiza phone number?

so-called 'celebrity' phone numbers are never available to the general public - to protect their privacy !

What country has phone number with missing 6?

There is no country that never uses the number 6.