To convert the number 0.004758 to three significant figures, we need to round it off appropriately.
Identify the significant figures:
Determine the significant figures based on the three most significant digits:
Round the number:
Look at the digit immediately after the third significant figure, which is 7.
Since 7 is 5 or greater, we round up the third significant figure (5).
Apply rounding:
Therefore, 0.004758 rounded to three significant figures is **0.00476**.
6,256 rounded to 1 significant figure is 6,000
No, to three sf.
It is then 30,000 rounded to 1 significant figure
Rounded to 1 significant figure it is 0.4
6694 rounded to 1 significant figure is 7000
The first significant figure of 0.000169 is the 1 and it has 3 significant figures.
It has 3 significant figures.
3 significant figures.
3 significant figures.
There are 3 significant figures.
3 of them.
3 of them.
3 of them.
To 1 significant figure, it would be 8 x 10^3.
3 of them.
6,256 rounded to 1 significant figure is 6,000