-1 and -120
The easiest way is to multiply the original number by 1.08. Otherwise, multiply the original number by .08 and add the resulting number to the original number.
Prime number
Multiply the number by 100 and add a percent symbol.
If you add, subtract or multiply rational numbers, the result will be a rational number. It will also be so if you divide by a non-zero rational number. But division by zero is not defined.
3200 To solve this, multiply 8 and 4 and you will get 32. Then, you can add the two zeroes from 400
-1 and -120
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math vibes! So, the two numbers we're looking for are -12 and -10. They multiply to 120 and add up to -14. It's like a math puzzle, but with numbers instead of jigsaw pieces.
Divide the number by 100 and then multiply the answer by 5. add the number with the answer.
-6 and -20
you can multiply by 2, or add 120, or divide by 1/2. I'd say it's best to multiply, or find the "product."
-15+-8=-23 -15*-8=120
You can add them.
The easiest way is to multiply the original number by 1.08. Otherwise, multiply the original number by .08 and add the resulting number to the original number.