Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 0.18.
12 is what percent of 18= 12 / 18= 0.666667Converting decimal to a percentage:0.666667 * 100 = 66.67%
Well, 18% is basically 18/100 Decimals like .00 is in the hundredths place
We first remember that 18% is a decimal.,18/100, which can be written as the decimal 0.18. If we multiply this by 75000, we get 13500. This is 18% of 75000.
0.018-move the decimal to places to the left
.18 is the decimal of 18%. A percent = .01 or one one hundreth.
18% = 0.18
18 percent percent written as a decimal fraction is 0.0018
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 0.18.
18% As a fraction = 18/100 or 9/50 As a decimal = 0.18
18% = 0.18 in decimal = 18/100 or 9/50 in fraction
12 is what percent of 18= 12 / 18= 0.666667Converting decimal to a percentage:0.666667 * 100 = 66.67%
18 is what percent of 21= 18 / 21= 0.857143Converting decimal to a percentage:0.857143 * 100 = 85.71%