Sure thing, honey! Equivalent fractions to 84 over 100 include 42 over 50, 21 over 25, and even 6 over 7 if you're feeling feisty. Just divide the numerator and denominator by the same number until you can't simplify no more. Math can be a real hoot when you give it some attitude!
To simplify a fraction, divide the numerator and the denominator by their GCF. Example: 30/42 The GCF of 30 and 42 is 6. 6 into 30 is 5 6 into 42 is 7 30/42 = 5/7
It is already in its simplest form so it can only change if you multiply it:- 4/7 = (4.n)/(7.n) So fractions which are equivalent to 4/7 = 8/14, 12/21, 16/28, 20/35, 24/42, 28/49,...
30/7 = 42/7
2/3 or 20/30
21 over 30 and 7 over 10
7/10, 14/20, 21/30
fractions equivalent to: 5 over 7 = 10/14, 15/21, 20/28,... 60 over 84 = 5/7, 30/42, 20/28,...
two fractions are equivalent 21 over 23 = 42/46, 63/69
30 / 42 = 15 / 21 = 5 / 7
6 over 10
27/42 = 9/14 or 18/28
5/6 is one possibility
2 over 7 and 12 over 42
1/7 is one of the infinite number of fractions equivalent to 6/42. Others are 2/14, 3/21, 4/28, and so on.