45 and 10
If one of the numbers is a multiple of the other, the smaller number is the GCF. If the two numbers are prime numbers, the GCF is 1. If the numbers are consecutive, the GCF is 1. If the numbers are consecutive even numbers, the GCF is 2.
The GCF is 1.
Since the numbers differ by 2 and the GCF is 2, they are consecutive even integers. So the numbers are 6 and 8.
850 and 1700 have a GCF of 850.
The GCF is 2.
factor out both numbers to get 102=2*3*17 50=2*5*5 the GCF is 2
The GCF is 1.
The GCF of 5 and 10 is 5.
the GCF of 4 3 5 is 1
5 and 10 or 5 and any multiple of 5 for a start
The GCF of 5 and 10 is 5.
The GCF is 5.
The GCF is 5.
The GCF of these three numbers is 5.
Write the numbers in their prime factorisations. the GCF is the product of the common primes (each time they appear). Example: 30 and 42 2 x 3 x 5 = 30 2 x 3 x 7 = 42 Select the common factors. 2 x 3 = 6, the GCF Example: 24 and 60 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 GCF = 2 × 2 × 3 = 12 The prime 2 appears twice in both numbers. If you use the power format of the prime factorisation, the GCF is the product of each of the common primes to the LOWEST power across the numbers. For 24 and 60 this gives: 24 = 2³ × 3 60 = 2² × 3 × 5 → GCF = 2² × 3 = 12 As the lowest power of 2 across the numbers is 2², the lowest power of 3 across the numbers is 3 = 3¹, 5 is not common, but for completeness, 24 = 2³ × 3¹ × 5⁰ since 5⁰ = 1, so the lowest power of the prime 5 across the numbers is 5⁰: → GCF = 2² × 3¹ × 5⁰ = 4 × 3 × 1 = 12.
45 and 10