It is 1345.
One thousand, three hundred and forty five
.64 is 64/100 so it is 64 percent. Think of percent as the numerator of the fraction where the denominator is 100. So numerator is the "top" number and denominator is "bottom" number in fraction. take any n/100, then we write this a n% So 1/100 is 1% 14/100 is 14% 1345/100 is 1345% 100/100 is 100% or 1 ... .1/100 is .1%
Factors of 90 will be factors of 180.
The prime factors are 5 and 269
1,345 = 5 × 269
From 1345 to 3000 is 1655.
1345 - 346 = 999
1000 g = 1 kg ⇒ 1345 g = 1345 ÷ 1000 kg = 1.345 kg
The cubed number for 1345 is 2 433 138 625 the cuberoot of 1345 ≈ 11,038 The question is moot.
There are 1345 meters in 1.345 kilometers.
45/117 = 5/1345/117 = 5/1345/117 = 5/1345/117 = 5/13