Well, honey, you can write four fifths as 0.8, 80%, 4/5, 0.80, or even as "almost a whole but not quite there." Just pick your poison and roll with it.
There are several ways to write 65.24: Sixty-five point two four Sixty-five dollars and twenty-four cents (if referring to money) Sixty-five twenty-four (less formal way of referring to money) Sixty-five and twenty-four hundredths
There are two ways of writing this:Five point seven five millionFive million 750 thousand
There are 3 ways you can say 8 out of 10, including in decimal and fraction expressions. You can say 0.8 (decimal form), 8/10 (eight tenths), or 4/5 (four fifths).
There are several ways to write 4.59: Four point five nine Four dollars and fifty-nine cents (if you are referring to money) Four fifty-nine (less formal reference to money) Four and fifty-nine hundredths
They are: 3/5 = 6/10 = 9/15
In words, as in your question: four-fifths Note, the hyphen is important to indicate it is a fraction.4/54:54÷50.8080%
There are different possible ways: - Eight four point four five five - Eighty-four point four five five - Eighty-four and four hundred fifty-five thousandths.
Four forty-five A quarter to five Forty-five minutes past four
They are Kanji, hiragana, katakana, and romaji.
There is about five ways, to bond, quilt, weave, knit, or non-weave.
Five ways to record data are tables, picture graphs, T charts, bar graphs, and writing the information down bulleted style.
one two three four five
One thousand five hundred and nine or fifteen hundred and nine
There are several ways to write 65.24: Sixty-five point two four Sixty-five dollars and twenty-four cents (if referring to money) Sixty-five twenty-four (less formal way of referring to money) Sixty-five and twenty-four hundredths
You can write .8475 a couple of ways: Point eight four seven five Eight thousand four hundred seventy-five ten-thousandths