Improper fractions is like improper.
its like the numerator is bigger than the denominator. to solve it you have to divide 17 in the box and 9 out and see what you get. if theres a remainder you put it as the numerator and 9 as the denominator.
PS:sometimes there is a whole number.
Answered by:Peacelove2622
I suppose you could call them improper factors, but the term most often used for factors that aren't proper is "trivial."
I suppose you could use improper factor, but the for any given integer, the factors that are not proper are known as trivial.
4.27 as an improper fraction is 427/100
5.8 as an improper fraction is 58/10.
7.5 in an improper fraction = 15/2
The factors which are not proper are improper factors.
improper fraction
The proper factors of 6 are 2 and 3. I suppose by process of elimination 1 and 6 would be the improper ones, but they are most often referred to as "trivial factors."
yes a improper cleaning agent can kill
I suppose you could call them improper factors, but the term most often used for factors that aren't proper is "trivial."
Fratricide in the military can be cause by a number of factors, including off-the-charts stress levels and improper training.
I suppose you could use improper factor, but the for any given integer, the factors that are not proper are known as trivial.
There are only three proper factors of 81; they are 3, 9 and 27.81 is also divisible by 1 and by itself, but mathematicians regard these as improper factors because they are trivial. Every natural number is divisible by itself and by unity.
He was scolded for his improper behavior at the formal dinner party.
That only happens if they're both improper fractions, i.e. greater than ' 1 '.
Moisture can cause sparking, improper earthing can cause shocks.
improper heath