Add the 2 percentages together, then divide by 2.
percentages are used to tell the over all number
No two prime numbers added together have a sum of 97. All primes except the number 2 are odd numbers, and two odd numbers added together always produce an even sum.
Fractions are integers divided by integers. Percentages are the number of hundredths.
Most people work with percentages in one way or another.
Numbers added together in addition are called addends.
It is called adicion.
Add the 2 percentages together, then divide by 2.
Two angles which added together make 90o are called Complementary angles
The numbers being added are called the addends. The answer to the problem is called sum.
The numbers to be added are called addends. The answer is called the sum.
re connection
Yes add the 4 percentages together then divide them by 4 to obtain the average percentage
The numbers being added together are called addends. The answer is called the sum. 4+2=6 Four and two are addends and six is the sum.
same as normal adding!