60 is a composite number. A Prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite.
Oh honey, composite numbers are like the sidekicks of the prime numbers, they ain't special but they still got a role to play. Between 45 and 60, you got 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 60 strutting their stuff as composite numbers. They may not be prime, but they still count for something.
The product of two prime numbers will be composite.
Composite numbers have more than two factors. So, the numbers which have two or less than two factors are not composite numbers. Numbers which have exactly two factors are prime numbers. 1 is an exceptional case because it is neither prime nor composite since it has only one factor which is 1.
The opposite of prime numbers are composite numbers.
Products of prime numbers are composite numbers.
23 and 31 are prime numbers whereas 52 33 60 and 25 are composite numbers.
60 is a composite number. A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite.
All even numbers greater than 2 are composite.
No. They are composite because they are divisible by two and other numbers.
All of them except for 61 and 67 which are prime numbers
60 is composite.
No. Prime numbers cannot be composite and composite numbers cannot be prime!
Oh honey, composite numbers are like the sidekicks of the prime numbers, they ain't special but they still got a role to play. Between 45 and 60, you got 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 60 strutting their stuff as composite numbers. They may not be prime, but they still count for something.
1 is special 2 prime 3 prime 4 composite 5 prime 6 composite 7 prime 8 composite 9 composite 10 composite 11 prime 12 composite ext.
No, prime factorizations consist entirely of prime numbers.
30 and 60
47 is a prime, the other two are composite.