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I think the distribution of water has something to do with oceans lakes and river and seas and lots more like that. I kind of have no clue either...

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Q: What are the distribution of earth water from greatest to least?
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What are the 3 ways greatest factors that cause erosion?

Water,Wind,and Ice.

Only one percent of the worlds water? fresh water. No. One percent of the world would be totally incorrect if there were a test that would ask you such question. The correct answer would be 3/4. If the water were to be one percent, than that means water will only cover 1/4 of the world and land will cover 3/4 of the world. When you look at a photo of Earth, you can see that most of Earth is covered blue. Blue stands for water. Another way you can think positive is that,think what you would do if you wasted all the water there is on Earth. And you are in the the middle of the winter. How would you get water if there is no rain avilable.You can't get rain to come in the winter time. It will be snow by the time it falls from the sky. This is why we have so much water to last.

How many gallons does it take to flush a toliet?

5 gallons at least for a home toliet restrants seem to take 3 gallons that's why they are always are out of order who cares how much the water bill is put your toliet at 5 gallons there is more pressure

EP-32 the danger of hypothermia is greatest for a person in which situation?

Hypothermia occurs when the human body loses heat faster than it can produce. A person can get Hypothermia in a cold climate, in general, if you are naked and exposed to cold temperatures. Swimming or drop in cold/ice water, cold wind, the effect and just being sloppy in a snow storm can all contribute. A person is said to suffer from Hypothermia once your body temperature drops below 96 F

What is difference between objectives and functions?

The objective of a water supply it to get water into houses. The function of the pipe it to carry that water and the function of a tap is to control the flow of the water.

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Describe the distribution of land and water on Earth?

71% of the earth is water, 97% of water is salt water

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Bottom and top respectfully OR Greatest closest to the center of the Earth.

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What is the distribution of the earth's water?

Earth water is distributed among seas, oceans, rivers and lakes. Only 3% water is pure.

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What best describes what hydrologists study?

the movement and distribution of water and ice on earth

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What is the greatest source of evaporated water in earth?

Oceans are the principal source of water.

What is the distribution of water?

Earth water is distributed among seas, oceans, rivers and lakes. Only 3% water is pure.

The majority of the water distribution on earth comes from groundwater ice rivers and lakes?

The majority of water distribution on earth comes from ground water, river and lake. The walker also comes from oceans.

Where is the pressure greatest and the least inside a bottle filled with water?

The pressure at the bottom of the bottle is the greatest. It decreases as the level comes up and is the least at the top.