The number 41 is a Prime number meaning, it only has two factors, one and itself. So, the factors of 41 are: 1x41 ~Cassie
41 is prime, therefore the factors are 1 and 41. Prime numbers don't have "proper" factors.
1 41 1489 61049 41 and 1489 are prime factors.
41 is a prime number, the only factors 41 has is 1 and 41.
'1' & '41' , because '41' is a prime number.
41 is a prime number, so the only factors are 1 and 41. The only prime factor is 41.
The factors of -41 are 1, -1, 41, -41 41 is prime.
41 is a prime number.
1, 11, 41, 451 11 and 41 are prime.
41 is prime, therefore the factors are 1 and 41. Prime numbers don't have "proper" factors.
1 41 1489 61049 41 and 1489 are prime factors.
The Prime Factors of 82 are: 2, 412 and 41
1 and 41, prime
41 is a prime number. Prime numbers don't have proper factors.
41 is a prime number, the only factors 41 has is 1 and 41.
The factors of 82 are: 1 2 41 82 The prime factors are: 2 x 41
The factors of 451 are: 1, 11, 41, and 451.The prime factors of 451 are: 11 and 41.
'1' & '41' , because '41' is a prime number.