After decillion, we have undecillion. After that, we have duodecillion. There are many large to list!
See the list of numbers, which include some numbers after decillion at the link:
One hundred decillion.
One decillion.
Oh honey, a 34-digit number is simply a number that has 34 digits in it. It could be anything from 1000000000000000000000000000000000 to 9999999999999999999999999999999999. Just slap 34 digits together and there you have it, a 34-digit number.
1000 nonillion = 1 decillion = 10^33 = 1 followed by 33 zeros
Ten decillion.
1 decillion multiplied by 1 thousand= 1 undecillion 1 decillion multiplied by 1 million= 1 duodecillion Many more are listed in the Wikipedia article "Names of Large Numbers."
Strictly limiting ourselves to powers of 1000, the five next numbers higher than a decillion are an undecillion, a duodecillion, a tredecillion, a quattuordecillion, and a quinquadecillion.
2 decillion
The number that comes after nonillion is nonillion one. Or, if you want the order of numbers, decillion.
Undecillion 1DECx1000
Oh, dude, a 32-digit number is called a "hexadecimal number." It's like a super long string of characters that computers use to represent data. So, next time you see a 32-digit number, just remember it's not just a random jumble of digits, it's a hexadecimal number, man.
A Decillion Sided Shape Is A "Infinihedfronihecatetradron" Its Long, How?
You could say "ten to the thirty-three". There are names for this, depending on what country you're in: one decillion or one quintilliard. The scientific notation is less ambiguous for these types of numbers. See related link.