163 167
The numbers 149, 151 and 157 are prime.
151 157.
The numbers 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151 and 157 are prime.
Negative numbers don't have prime factorizations.
163 167
The numbers 149, 151 and 157 are prime.
151 157.
The numbers 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151 and 157 are prime.
The sum of the first five prime numbers is 28. The sum of the cubes of the first three prime numbers is 160. The average of 28 and 160 is 94.
All the others have more than two factors.
Negative numbers don't have prime factorizations.
Between 145 and 160 people.
Just 160.
160 80,2 40,2,2 20,2,2,2 10,2,2,2,2 5,2,2,2,2,2