23 29 31.
there are 3 prime numbers in between 21 and 33... they are 23,29, 31.
Factor tree:126|63 and 2|21 and 32 x 3 x 21 = 126
There are no prime numbers between 32 and 36
23 29 31.
21 and 32
I am not sure there is such a classification. It cannot be odd/even Odd numbers: 52 - 22 = 21 Even numbers: 52 - 32 = 16 It cannot be prime/composite Prime: 32 - 22 = 5 Composite: 52 - 22 = 21
It can be. 21 is relatively prime with 32.
The prime factor of 32 is: 2
There are five prime numbers in the factorization of 32; all twos.
there are 3 prime numbers in between 21 and 33... they are 23,29, 31.
Do you mean, "What is the prime factorization of 21?"
21 is not prime.
Factor tree:126|63 and 2|21 and 32 x 3 x 21 = 126
14, 32, 55 and 64 are not prime numbers.