Twelve numbers exactly are greater than 76 and less than 89.
Yes, it is. It is greater than some numbers and less than others.
The prime numbers that are greater than 80 and less than 100 are 83, 89, and 97.
Take the square root of 1617 and round it up. Take the square root of 5929 and round it down. That gives you the lower and upper range of the numbers which you must square to get the desired perfect squares.
109 whole numbers greater than 9 and less than 999 are multiples of 9
There are 41 square numbers less than 1694 and an infinite number greater than 5929. There are 35 square numbers between 1694 and 5929, 36 if you count 5929 itself.
16, 25 and 36.
For all the values of x that are less than one and greater than zero.
There are more than one: 25, 36 and 49.
These numbers are: 25, 36, 49.
16, 25 and 49.
2 digit number which is square number less than 42 but greater than 29 = 36square numbers are 2, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49,...
Less than.
positive square numbers less than 50 are 7 these are : 1,4,9,16,25,36,49.These are less than 50.
Greater than. Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers.
Twelve numbers exactly are greater than 76 and less than 89.