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Q: What charaterisitics do all joints have in common?
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What are the charaterisitics of chordates?

a spine

What are charaterisitics of nonmetals?

there are many charaterisitics of nonmetals, a few of them are they do not conduct electricty. and they are not magnetic. mosts of nonmetals do not conduct heat, som are good insilaters. again as i said before, there are many charaterisitics you can look up a bunch more but i named a few.

What do all uniaxial joints have in common?

They have one plane of movement. ex: elbow

Are bony joints the most common types of joints?

There are knees and elbows, they are the major joints.

Are skull joints called cartilaginous joints?

NO! They are fibrous joints and not moveable at all.

How do fused joints differ from other joints?

Fussed joints (Stiff joints) they dont move at all

Are most joints in the human body synovial joints or ball and socket joints?

A ball and socket joint is a type of synovial joint. Synovial joints are the most common in the human body.

What do sutures gomphoses and syndesmoses have in common?

fibrous joints

What are the two types of joints in construction?

Expansion joints. Butt,lap,half-housed,mortise/tenon and mitre joints to name some common ones.

Why are all your joints not ball and socket joints?

If all your joints were ball and socket joints, you would find movement and stable posture difficult. Joints have the structures they do to facilitate many functions, including stability, protection, and movement.

What joints do you have?

all of them...

Do all joints allow movement?

No because there are many joints in human being which do not move like the pne in skull