.14 is already a decimal. Did you mean fraction? If so, it's 2 and seven fiftieths (7 over 50).
7/250 as a decimal is 0.028
7/4 as a decimal is 1.75
Yes, it may be a repeating decimal, such as 1/3 = 0.33333.... or 1/11 = 0.090909.... or something longer such as 1/7 = 0.142857142857142857.... where the '142857' is the repeating part. But every rational number (eg. fraction) can be mapped to a corresponding decimal equivalent.
7/8: = 7 ÷ 8 = 0.875 in decimal
Remember that a fraction means division. Divide 7 by 11 and you have the equivalent decimal.
Yes, the equivalent decimal to 0.7 is indeed 7/10, not 7/100. To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can simply write the decimal as the numerator and place it over the place value of the last digit. In this case, the decimal 0.7 is equivalent to the fraction 7/10.
decimal equivalent of 7 over 5 = 1.47/5:= 7 ÷ 5= 1.4 in decimal
7 and 8/11 = 7.'72' recurring '72' as a decimal
It is 7.7
7/50 to decimal:= 7 ÷ 50= 0.14
7/25 = 0.28
15/7 (15 over 7)
1/7 = 0.142857